Cookies policy

We use “proprietary” cookies that are indispensable for filling out forms (comments, logins, …), but also other “third party” cookies to create anonymous statistics of visits to improve the user experience, or to participate in a blog. A “cookie” is a database written on a user’s computer’s hard drive by a website that identifies the user with the website and allows the user to remember the site, adjust preferences, or eliminate the need to fill out forms or data about future visits. It also allows a website to monitor the browsing pattern or behaviour of the users.

Types of Cookies

– Own cookies: These are sent to your computer by the website itself. A common example is a cookie that sends a portal to its users to find out their preferences about what language they want to read its content. When you select that you want to read the content in Spanish within the portal, it will send you a cookie with your preferences. From then on, when you install that cookie, the portal will show you the information in the language you previously selected.

– Third-party cookies: These are sent by other websites. For example, when you visit our website, Google Analytics sends you a cookie to identify you and track your navigation through our website. In this case, the storage of the cookie is not done directly by us, but by Google as a free service.

Types of cookies according to their purpose

– Technical cookies: these are generally sent by the site itself and make it easier for you to navigate through the portal. An example of this is the social network Facebook. When you add your user and password, Facebook sends you a cookie to identify you from the rest of your visitors and to show your limited personal information to the rest of the users.

– Personalization cookies: these are the cookies that store your preferences within the portal, such as your language.

– Analysis cookies: these are used to see how the visits to a website behave within them. Data such as what pages they see, how many seconds they are in each page, etc. These cookies are useful to improve the services of a portal based on the way users interact with them

– Advertising cookies: they are used to personalize the advertising that a portal shows to its users based on the content of the web and the frequency with which the ads are shown.

– Behavioural advertising cookies: These cookies store information about users and their behaviour and then provide them with relevant information in the available advertising spaces.

Disabling cookies in the browser

In most browsers, users can currently set whether they want to accept cookies and which ones. These settings can usually be found in your browser’s “options” or “preferences” menu.

These are the instructions for setting cookies in the main browsers:

Chrome: Settings -> View advanced options -> Privacy -> Content settings.

For more information, see Google support or your browser’s Help.

Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Privacy -> History -> Custom settings.

For more information, see Mozilla support or browser help.

Internet Explorer: Tools -> Internet options -> Privacy -> Settings.

For more information, see Microsoft support or browser help.

Safari: Preferences -> Safety.

For more information, see Apple support or browser help.

Our cookies

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a Google web analytics service that uses the collected data to track and research the use of this website, to compile reports about your activities and to share it with other Google services.

Google can also use the collected data to contextualize and personalize the ads in its own ad network.

Privacy policy

Google Adsense Cookies

Facebook Social Plugins

The “Like” button and Facebook social widgets are services for interaction with the social network Facebook. These services allow you to communicate with Facebook directly from the pages of this website.

Interactions and information obtained by this website are always subject to the user’s privacy settings on Facebook.

Even if users don’t use the service, it can still collect web traffic data related to the pages they’re installed on.

Privacy policy

Tweet button and Twitter social widgets

The Tweet button and Twitter social widgets are services for interaction with the social network Twitter.

Privacy policy

LinkedIn button and social widgets

The LinkedIn button and social widgets are interaction services with Linkedin’s social network.

Privacy policy

+1 button and Youtube social widgets

The +1 button and the Youtube social widgets are services of interaction with the Youtube social network.

Privacy policy

Types of cookies used by Google